The Revised Maclisp ManualThe PitmanualPage I-29
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" [Reader Macro]
#% [Reader Macro]
#' [Reader Macro]
#+ [Reader Macro]
#, [Reader Macro]
#- [Reader Macro]
#. [Reader Macro]
#/ [Reader Macro]
#M [Reader Macro]
#N [Reader Macro]
#O [Reader Macro]
#Q [Reader Macro]
#R [Reader Macro]
#X [Reader Macro]
#\ [Reader Macro]
#^ [Reader Macro]
#| [Reader Macro]
$$ [Value]
  [EDIT Special Form]

$$$ [Value]
  [EDIT Special Form]

$P [Value]
  [CONSTRUCTOR Struct Option]
  [DEFMACRO Special Form]
  [DEFUN Special Form]

  [DEFMACRO Special Form]

  [CONSTRUCTOR Struct Option]
  [DEFMACRO Special Form]
  [DEFUN Special Form]

  [CONSTRUCTOR Struct Option]
  [DEFMACRO Special Form]
  [DEFUN Special Form]

  [DEFMACRO Special Form]

' [Reader Macro]
* [Function] [Value]
*$ [Function]
*-READ-EVAL-PRINT [Function] [Value]
*APPEND [Function]
*APPLY [Function]
*ARRAY [Function]
*BREAK [Function]
*CATCH [Special Form]
*DELETE [Function]
*DELQ [Function]
*DEPOSIT-BYTE [Function]
*DIF [Function]
*DPB [Function]
*EVAL [Function]
  [DECLARE Special Form]

  [DECLARE Special Form]

*FUNCTION [Special Form]
*GREAT [Function]
*LDB [Function]
*LESS [Function]
  [DECLARE Special Form]

*LOAD-BYTE [Function]
*NCONC [Function]
*NOPOINT [Function] [Value]
*PLUS [Function]
*PRIN1 [Function]
*PRINC [Function]
*PRINT [Function]
*PURE [Value]
*QUO [Function]
*READ [Function]
*READCH [Function]
*REARRAY [Function]
*RSET [Function] [Value]
*RSET-TRAP [Value]
*TERPRI [Function]
*THROW [Function]
*TIMES [Function]
*TYI [Function]
*TYO [Function]
+ [Function] [Value] [SStatus Option] [Status Option]
+$ [Function]
+INTERNAL-/"-MACRO [Function]
+INTERNAL-/#-MACRO [Function]
+INTERNAL-/'-MACRO [Function]
+INTERNAL-/;-MACRO [Function]
+INTERNAL-/|-MACRO [Function]
+INTERNAL-DUP-P [Function]
  [NOINTERRUPTS Status Option]

  [TTY Interrupts Concept]

+TYO [Function]
, [Reader Macro]
- [Function] [Value]
-$ [Function]
/ [Reader Macro]
// [Function] [Value]
//$ [Function]
1+ [Function]
1+$ [Function]
1- [Function]
1-$ [Function]
; [Reader Macro]
< [Function]
= [Function] [Function]
  [LOOP Special Form]

> [Function]
?FORMAT [Function]
\ [Function]
\\ [Function]
^ [Function] [Reader Macro]
^$ [Function]
^A [Value]
  [TTY Interrupts Concept]

^D [Value]
  [IOC Special Form]

  [FEATURES Status Option]

^G [Function]
  [IOC Special Form]

^Q [Value]
  [IOC Special Form]
  [UREAD Special Form]

^R [Value]
  [IOC Special Form]
  [OUTFILES Value]
  [PRIN1 Function]
  [PRINC Function]
  [PRINT Function]
  [TERPRI Function]
  [TYO Function]
  [UFILE Special Form]

^W [Value]
  [IOC Special Form]
  [OUTFILES Value]
  [PRIN1 Function]
  [PRINC Function]
  [PRINT Function]
  [TERPRI Function]
  [TYO Function]

^^^ [Value]
_ [Reader Macro] [SStatus Option] [Status Option]
` [Reader Macro]
| [Reader Macro]
|+INTERNAL-,-macro/|| [Function]
|+INTERNAL-macro-loser/|| [Function]
|+INTERNAL-`-grindmacros/|| [Function]
|+INTERNAL-`-macro/|| [Function]
|carcdrp/|| [Function] [Value]
|Certify-no-var-dependency/|| [Function]
|constant-p/|| [Function]
|defvst-construction/|| [Function]
|defvst-typchk/|| [Function]
|no-funp/|| [Function]
|side-effectsp/|| [Function]
|`,./|| [Special Form]
|`,/|| [Special Form]
|`,@/|| [Special Form]
|`-,-level/|| [Value]
|`-expander/| MACRO| [Function]
|`-expander/|| [Special Form]
~$ [Formatop]
~% [Formatop]
~& [Formatop]
~* [Formatop]
~; [Formatop]
~< [Formatop]
~> [Formatop]
~A [Formatop]
~C [Formatop]
~D [Formatop]
~E [Formatop]
~F [Formatop]
~G [Formatop]
~O [Formatop]
~P [Formatop]
~Q [Formatop]
~R [Formatop]
~Return [Formatop]
~S [Formatop]
~T [Formatop]
~X [Formatop]
~[ [Formatop]
~\...\ [Formatop]
~] [Formatop]
~^ [Formatop]
~{ [Formatop]
~| [Formatop]
~} [Formatop]
~~ [Formatop]

The Revised Maclisp Manual (Sunday Morning Edition)
Published Sunday, December 16, 2007 06:17am EST, and updated Sunday, July 6, 2008.
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